Earnestness and industriousness shows up quite early on for Supervisors. They are dependable and dutiful almost from infancy. Above all else, they do what they are supposed to do, and rarely question authority. They see compliance as their primary responsibility. They follow routines well, are neat and orderly, are extremely punctual, and expect others to be so as well. Supervisors are loyal to their institutions, are unbelievably hard working in their jobs, and the bright ones frequently rise to positions of responsibility.
Supervisors bring a sense of honor and duty to every facet of their lives, whether it is in their business dealings, or personal relationships with friends and family. Being a good citizen is viewed as one's duty. They view involvement in all levels of society as the most noble and honorable part of life. In social situations, these individuals are direct, straight forward, and have very little to hide. Supervisors are faithful and conscientious, generously offering their time and energy to the significant people in their lives.
Supervisors are the best at scheduling orderly procedures and in detailing rules and regulations. In their view, things are to be done correctly and what has been established is to be observed. They are comfortable evaluating others and tend to judge how a person is doing in terms of his or her compliance with protocol. They take control of any group they are a part of by defining roles, assigning duties, and by creating structure. Supervisors pay very careful attention to those details that will get the job done right.
Supervisors not only establish rules and procedures, but are eager to enforce them. They can be serious about seeing to it that others toe the mark, or else face the consequences. They do not withhold their directions or demands for improvement. They have zero tolerance for those who might wish to abandon or radically change these codes of conduct. For Supervisors, compliance from subordinates is not merely an expectation, it is expressed with force.
For Supervisors, rank has its obligations, but it also has its privileges. As leaders, they are comfortable issuing orders, so demands, commands, requests, and directions come easily from them. In every social system, whether it is in the home, or in an enterprise, these tough and outspoken authoritarians insist that each member has an assigned position in a hierarchy. For Supervisors, title, position, expertise, experience, and time served, are ascribed with esteem and respect.
Supervisors rise to positions of prominence after many years of service. They earn their way to the top, with careful steps, and are not apt to take shortcuts or the easy way. Established methods are the product of a proven track-record of experience. These individuals give much credence to the experts—firmly believing that their experience warrants that they be listened to. When an idea is brought to the table, "who said it" matters. For Supervisors, the credibility of the person proposing the idea is crucial.